Yes, I'm back....
For the first of two frightening posts....
Tis the season people....
Even though the Adoption Indu$try scares people all year long.....
It has always been said that money is the root of all evil and although I beg to differ with that statement, I will be the first to say that money always has and always will have the potential to create undeniable evil in man.
Not to mention inexcusable immaturity........
And for a group of people who claim to be Christian, it amazes me that the way they earn, use and spend money they can NOT see that their funds come straight from the fires of hell....
If you are in the mood for a terrifying Halloween tale, please read on and prepare to get chills all over your body as you learn about how Mormon Adoption Agencies ARE PAYING OFF PREGNANT YOUNG WOMEN TO CUT THE BABY'S FATHER OUT OF HIS OWN CHILD'S LIFE FOREVER.......
These young naïve women have already been brainwashed by the greedy, male chauvinistic pig Mormons that a single woman is not capable of raising her own flesh and blood, despite the fact that widows have been doing this for centuries.
And anyone with half a brain knows that one does not have to be married in order to protect their child, love their child or provide for their child.
The latter of which is what friends and family are for AND WHAT CHURCHES ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THROUGH CHARITABLE DONATIONS if a Mother ever needed help financially......
Yet all Mormons seem to care about is how THEY are doing financially and investing some of their funds to create even larger funds by ensuring Adoption$ where no man will be able to fight for the right to his child that HE created.....
How many times does this HAVE TO BE SAID?
No one on this damn planet has ever had a right to buy or sell any other human being NOR has anyone the right to keep children from the parents who want to raise them so they can receive blessings from the UnHoly Buck.
I am not alone in my opinion.....
"And, as I never tire of pointing out, the ironic purpose of all these laws that remove the father from the adoption process is to force adoption on children who don’t need to be adopted".
This LDS nightmare and other spot on quotes from the author of this heart stopping article continues here....
And join me next time as I rightfully bash two other Monsters.
Jerry and Dottie Sandusky......
Who never have or never will need ANY Halloween costume as they are natural born vampires who sucked the living souls out of disadvantaged children everywhere.....
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